3Q2018 Regulatory Compliance Review.png

Compliance Class:

3Q 2018 Quarterly Compliance Review

Welcome to the 3Q 2018 Quarterly Compliance Review compliance class!  This program has been designed to provide the “need to know” information about regulatory compliance happenings during the third quarter of 2018. The program takes approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete and is divided into two different videos. In addition to the video portion of the program, the comprehensive manual covers everything discussed in the video.

Here is what you need to do:

Step 1: Download the manual here

Step 2: Download the additional resources (click on each):

-The FinCEN Advisory Cheatsheet

-The HMDA Partial Exemption Q&A

Step 3: Watch the class below. (NOTE: There are two parts to this class, so scroll down to find Part II!)

Part I: Fair Lending & BSA/AML


Part II: Flood, Privacy, CRA, Misc Agency Activity & HMDA