Earn 5.5 CRCM, CERP, CFMP continuing education credits with our UDAAP Bootcamp. Our UDAAP Bootcamp program provides you with foundational training about Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP) as well as helps you know what to look for in your organization. This class covers two main areas. The program starts with a history and overview of UDAAP guidance while it concludes by covering a good number of known UDAAP violations - which attendees can essentially use as a checklist to make sure their organizations are free from many known UDAAP issues that have been cited as violations in other organizations. Plus, this program is currently on sale. To register for our UDAAP Bootcamp program, go to www.compliancecohort.com/udaap-bootcamp.
Welcome to the Compliance Cohort. We are a group of compliance professionals working to make compliance easier. Our goal is to take complex compliance concepts and put them in simple terms that apply to the real world. We are glad you have found us and look forward to collaborating in the future.
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