If you are still looking to squeeze in compliance training for you or your team before the year ends, our virtual training programs may be a fit for you. Each of our programs are presented in our “virtual classroom” style where we try to bring the seminar to you by showing video of an instructor in front of a slide presentation - just like you would have at a live event. We’ve found this approach to be much more engaging than the “faceless” webinar, and our attendees even tell us that our programs are somehow “interactive” (which is a great complement for a pre-recorded digital presentation!). In addition to the video presentation, attendees include a comprehensive training manual which provides citations and additional information, and can be used as an on-the-job resource. Some of our popular training programs include:
BSA Annual Update: https://www.compliancecohort.com/bsa-annual-update-sept-2020
BSA Basics: https://www.compliancecohort.com/bsa-basics
BSA Bootcamp: https://www.compliancecohort.com/video-webinar-bsa-bootcamp
UDAAP Foundations: https://www.compliancecohort.com/udaap-foundations
Fall 2020 Quarterly Compliance Update (Coming soon!): https://www.compliancecohort.com/fall-2020-quarterly-compliance-update
Compliance Management Systems: https://www.compliancecohort.com/compliance-management-systems
Board Training - Fair Lending: https://www.compliancecohort.com/fair-lending-training-for-directors
Board Training - BSA Overview: https://www.compliancecohort.com/bsa-training-for-directors
Board Training - BSA Annual Update: https://www.compliancecohort.com/bsa-annual-update-for-the-board-fall-2020