FDIC's 2024 Risk Review

On May 22, 2024,  the FDIC  published its 2024 Risk Review which summarizes conditions in the U.S. economy, financial markets, and banking industry. According to the FDIC, economic conditions remained strong in 2023, and financial market conditions improved toward the end of the year. In addition, the banking industry demonstrated resilience after a period of stress in early 2023 as full-year net income remained high, overall asset quality metrics were favorable, and liquidity stabilized.

According to the FDIC’s release, the 2024 Risk Review provides an overview of banking risks in 2023 in five broad categories: market risks that include funding and liquidity risks; credit risks in various portfolios including commercial real estate and consumer lending; operational risks; crypto-asset risks; and climate-related financial risks. The report focuses on the effects of key risks on community banks in particular.

The FDIC’s 2024 Risk Review can be found here.

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