FinCEN Begins Accepting BOI Reports

On January 1, 2024, FinCEN began accepting beneficial ownership information reports. The BOI reporting rule requires many companies doing business in the United States to report information about the individuals who ultimately own or control them.

Reporting companies must file their initial reports by the following deadlines:

  • Existing companies, those that were created or registered to do business in the United States before January 1, 2024 must file by January 1, 2025.

  • Reporting companies created or registered to do business in the United States in 2024 have 90 calendar days to file after receiving actual or public notice that their company’s creation or registration is effective.

In addition to the four pieces of information (name, date of birth, address, and identification document) about each beneficial owner that are required to be submitted, the company must also submit certain information about itself, such as its name(s) and address. Reporting companies created on or after January 1, 2024 are required to submit information about the individuals who formed the company.

Read FinCEN’s announcement here.

Reports can be submitted here.

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