Consumer Non-RE Loan Compliance
Non-real estate consumer loan compliance is a critical aspect of a financial institution’s operations as compliance violations can result in enforcement actions, public fines, and even potential jail time. Therefore, it is essential that financial institutions ensure that lending practices adhere to applicable consumer laws and regulations. Consumer (non-real estate) loans encompass a wide range of products, including personal loans, auto loans, and even deposit-secured loans. Institutions must meticulously follow rules such as Fair Lending laws, the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and even the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Privacy rules to ensure compliance and avoid violations that can result in fines and penalties. Compliance with these regulations helps protect consumers from unfair lending practices and discrimination while promoting transparency and fairness in the lending process.
Our Consumer Non-RE Loan Compliance program is designed to inform attendees of the compliance requirements for non real estate loans, such as auto loans, unsecured loans, and deposit secured loans (noting this program does not focus on the rules for open-end credit plans, including credit cards). While this program isn’t a “school” of sorts, this half-day program would be a great way to bring your team members up to speed on the compliance requirements for non-RE loans. Our program contains six different training videos and runs nearly four hours long, providing a comprehensive overview of the compliance elements non-real estate lenders need to know. The program begins with a brief introduction and then moves into a conversation on fair lending and Regulation B. The second video of the program looks at the compliance requirements for adverse action notices while the third video reviews the Regulation Z rules that apply to consumer non-RE loans. The program next reviews rules for lending to servicemembers (MLA and SCRA) as well as looking at the applicable Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requirements. The program concludes with a review of applicable Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and privacy rules, covering the most common “compliance” requirements for consumer non-RE loans.
This program is designed to cover the applicable compliance elements for consumer non-RE loans, making it a perfect program for anyone needing to understand the compliance elements for these loans. This means that the program would be good for both compliance professionals and auditors, but is also specifically designed to help loan officers and processors understand the compliance rules that apply to them. Plus, our “+unlimited employees” option can be used to deliver this program to your entire team through a private portal that makes accessing the training program extremely easy. (To learn more about our private portal and +unlimited employee option, contact us or see the “Add On “+Unlimited” description below.)
Who is this class for?
This program would be good for compliance professionals, lenders, processors, auditors, loan managers, loan operations team members, and anyone who needs to understand the compliance rules for consumer non-real estate loans.
Class Pricing
Regular Price: $399
ADD ON: “+ Unlimited” - Add a private portal for anyone in your organization to view this program for an additional $199. Access is still available for 60 days, so those in your organization must view the program during your 60 day access window. Limit of 5 total Certificates of Attendance, though anyone in your organization can view the program through the portal we set up. You will be contacted with information on the private portal sometime after purchase.
PREVIEW THE CLASS BEFORE YOU BUY? If you would like to demo this class before you purchase it to make sure it's what you are looking for, just let us know and we can work something out.