Compliance Class: Forward Thinking - How the Reg B Proposal May Affect You & Other Possible Compliance Changes for 2022
The compliance world could be in store for a number of changes starting in 2022. From a complete overhaul of leadership at the CFPB to a massive proposal to amend regulation B to require data collection and reporting for certain small business loans, financial institutions could easily get behind the curve of changes that might take place in 2022.
This program is designed to look at regulatory compliance changes that could occur during 2022 and beyond. Specifically, this program is broken down into three main parts. First, we will review the CFPB’s October 2022 proposal to amend Regulation B. As this amendment is required by the Dodd-Frank Act, this long expected proposed rule is going to be one of the most significant regulatory changes of the decade for many financial institutions. Imagine implementing a HMDA program from scratch. Well, that is exactly what is going to happen with this proposal: HMDA for commercial loans. While this is only a proposed rule, the significance of this future final rule is so massive, that its not to early to start to understand how this change will affect your organization. Our program takes higher level look at the Regulation B proposal, discusses some key things that could change when the rule is finalized, who would be subject to the new rule, and some things you can do now to start preparing for this inevitable, massive new rule.
Secondly, our program will take a look at the things that have been happening with the CFPB, upcoming rules in their pipeline, and what we might expect from the new CFPB director.
Finally, our program concludes with a look at potential rules and changes that might come in 2022 from agencies other than the CFPB. Agencies like the FDIC, Federal Reserve, OCC, NCUA, FinCEN, and even the Department of Justice haven given hints of what they are planning in the future, and we take out our compliance crystal ball to see what we can see.
In this program, you will learn:
Why Regulation B will be amended to require small business data collection and reporting;
Which financial institutions will likely be subject to the proposed small business data collection requirements (and it appears to be more than you think!);
What information will likely need to be collected and reported under the proposed Reg B amendments;
Steps you can take now to prepare for the CFPB's final rule on small business data collection;
What changes we might see from the CFPB in 2022; and
What other regulatory compliance changes are expected in 2022.
This program takes 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete and include a comprehensive manual for attendees to follow along.
BONUS: Mini Class (i.e. Executive Summary)
As a bonus to our Forward Thinking 2022 class, we are including access to our mini class, Executive Summary of the CFPB’s Proposal on Small Business Data Collection. This mini class is automatically included for all attendees of our Forward Thinking 2022 program and provides two main tools to assist financial institutions with the upcoming amendments to Regulation B. First, the mini class includes a 10 minute executive summary style video that quickly explains the proposed rule, who it would apply to, the basic burdens of the rule, and a few steps that your financial institution can consider taking now. The second tool is a 2 page executive summary document that provides a brief overview of the proposed rule. This mini class is designed to be shared with anyone in your organization such as senior management, the board of directors, commercial lenders, or anyone that should know about the upcoming rule.
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NOTE: If you would like to demo this class before you purchase it to make sure it's what you are looking for, just let us know and we can work something out.