All in TRID

VIDEO: Are Construction Loans Covered by TRID?

In this Compliance Clip (video), Adam answers the question of whether construction-only and construction-permanent loans are covered by TRID and Regulation Z. And although the answer is obvious, Adam discusses the specific citations from the regulations and from the CFPB’s Frequently Asked Questions to further explain the answer. A transcript of this video is now available.

VIDEO: TRID Optional Signature Line

In this Compliance Clip (video), Adam discusses the requirements for having a signature line on the LE and CD. While many financial institutions may not have thought about whether this is required or not for some time, it might be a good idea to revisit the rules to ensure things are being done correctly.

Video: TRID Total of Payments Disclosure

In this Compliance Clip (video), Adam goes into a little bit of a deep dive to explain the Total of Payments disclosure on the Closing Disclosure. This a TRID and lending topic, which is especially helpful for lenders or somebody who's responsible for the loan department. A transcript of this video is now available.

VIDEO: What is a Lender Credit

In this Compliance, Adam discusses what a lender credit is for purposes of the TRID rule. In particular, Adam specifies items that are considered lender credits and gives examples of payments that not are considered a lender credit. In addition, Adam briefly describes the difference between a specific and a general lender credit. A transcript of this video is now available.

VIDEO: TRID Purpose for Construction Loans

In this Compliance Clip (video), Adam talks about the loan purpose on construction loans and how it is treated on the Loan Estimate and the Closing Disclosure. Construction loans seem to be a challenge especially when it comes to loan purpose but it shouldn't be that difficult. Watch as Adam explains the TRID purpose “waterfall”.

On 6/18/2021, CFPB Acting Director, Dave Uegio, issued a statement on the impact of the new Juneteenth Holiday on residential mortgage closings. As a background, President Biden signed into law the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on June 17, 2021, just two days before the actual new holiday of June 19, 2021. As this new holiday is a Federal Holiday, Financial Institutions immediately had concerns regarding implementation of the new Juneteenth Federal Holiday, particularly as it relates to mortgage compliance under Regulation Z and the Truth in Lending Act.

VIDEO: TRID Prepayment Penalty to Recoup Costs

In this Compliance Clip (video), Adam answers a questions about disclosing a prepayment penalty on the Loan Estimate (and Closing Disclosure) when the note allows for a fee to recoup some costs if the loan is paid off with the first 36 months after consummation. While this shouldn’t be a day-to-day TRID question for any lender, this is something that should be looked at as this could be a systemic violation of Regulation Z if not disclosed properly. Click the link to watch this 5 minute video.