FinCEN’s Publishes Its 2023 Year in Review

On June 7 2024, FinCEN published its FinCEN Year in Review for FY 2023. The Year in Review is intended to help stakeholders gain insight into both FinCEN’s efforts to support law enforcement and national security agencies, and how financial information is used.

According to FinCEN, the information contained in the Year in Review builds on the work that law enforcement agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice, have already done to compile statistics. The Year in Review includes statistics from fiscal year 2023 on the following:

  • BSA reports filed;

  • Requests made and information shared under Section 314 of the USA PATRIOT Act;

  • Result of FinCEN’s law enforcement awards program;

  • Information gained from FinCEN’s FY23 Portal Query Performance Measure Survey; and

  • Information on FinCEN’s various programs and regulatory actions.

Read FinCEN’s press release here.

FinCEN’s 2023 Year in Review is available here.

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