JUNE CONTEST: Adverse Action Requirements

In case you missed our announcement earlier this week, we are we are holding another contest and will be giving away one free enrollment to Adverse Action Requirements class! Our Adverse Action Requirements program takes a deep dive into everything you and your team need to know about adverse action notices.. In this program, we review the adverse action requirements of both Reg B and FCRA, explain disclosure requirements under the FCRA mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act), and discuss common adverse action violations. To enter the giveaway, just complete a quick entry form at www.compliancecohort.com/entry. To learn more about this program, go to: www.compliancecohort.com/adverse-action-requirements

Treasury Seeks Information on AI in Financial Institutions

CFPB Issues Circular Regarding Deceptive Contract Fine Print